Australian Fundraising News (May 2015)

Holding a charity fundraising event is one of the most rewarding ways to support TOP and the Orangutans! Recently the Sutherland family, Nathan and Michelle and their 3 sons, Jarrah, Flynn and Calvin held their first stall at Mareeba in Far North Queensland. Check out this recent photo taken on the 9th May at their first stall.

Get your family involved and have a fun day - the charity fundraising options are endless! So round up your family, friends, colleagues or community and get involved in a number of charity fundraising ideas as listed on our website!

New South Wales

On the 27th of March, volunteer Pascale Kahn and friends from Pymble Ladies' College organised a ‘Wear Orange for Orangutans Day’ along with a stall selling merchandise and palm-oil-free foods in order to raise funds and awareness for The Orangutan Project. It was a great success, with almost $2,000 raised and the entire school wearing orange to support the cause.

We also had our RSPCA Million Paws Walk stall in Homebush, on 17th May, organised and ran by Jenny Donnelly our merchandise & Adoptions co-ordinator & TOP volunteers. Also, on May 9th, Peter, Lynda, Deb and Anne had a stall at Hornsby for Mother's Day! They raised $1250 including 4 adoptions. They also sold around 20 of our new orangutan bags at $7.00 each, and gave one to people as an incentive for sales of $50 and over, so very successful day!

The Art Exhibition's results and story will be in the next ENews AND thanks to everyone who is helping TOP in nsw!

Thanks, Gail


Late last year as I took on the role of State Rep Qld I was introduced to Hannah, Natalie and Jenny. They had this great idea to hold a fundraiser. We immediately started brainstorming and scribbling down ideas. After a couple of meetings our fundraiser was taking shape. We had the Greenhouse Factory on board as a venue, Emma on board to create eye catching posters and tickets, and Marion for guidance and support. It was all coming together. We started selling tickets 6 weeks before the event. We all hit the road with lots of enthusiasm, spreading the word in our local communities and sourcing raffle prizes to assist in boosting our potential profits. We were all excited and even more excited to have confirmation that our President Leif Cocks was able to attend and speak at the event.

On the night tickets were still selling at the door. A total of 71 people attended. The crowd enjoyed live music, our signature cocktails of Jungle Juice and the most amazing vegetarian canapés. The total raised on the night was $4000+. An amazing effort by all. The funds raised will contribute greatly to projects in Kalimantan, Ketapang and other areas of Indonesia.

It has been a successful month for Queensland. We also had our first market stall in Mareeba, thanks to the efforts of Nathan Sutherland. Nathan and his family had great success at their first stall selling trees and merchandise to raise a whopping $336. A fantastic result and a family with huge enthusiasm. Their stall looked fantastic. We look forward to hearing more success stories from Northern Queensland. Thank you Nathan.