Let’s save precious rainforest before it’s gone forever…

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We’re striving to protect 100,000 hectares of Aceh’s ancient Leuser Ecosystem, the last place on earth where Critically Endangered orangutans, elephants, rhinos and tigers coexist in the wild.

You can make a difference by clicking here - your donation will be matched!

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The Leuser’s ancient lowland rainforests and carbon-rich peat swamps have immense value on a global scale. Over four million local people rely on the ecosystem for clean water.  

Vast quantities of carbon are also safely stored in Leuser’s forests, making it essential for global climate change mitigation. 

It is also regarded as the world’s only remaining landscape capable of supporting the survival of Critically Endangered Sumatran orangutans, tigers, elephants and rhinoceros.

And yet despite its so-called "protection" the Leuser Ecosystem is under imminent threat.  Poaching is rife, illegal encroachment relentless and vast tracts are being sought after for mining and plantation development.

Every ecosystem we protect helps to secure the survival of Critically Endangered species.

To lose the Leuser Ecosystem would be an ecological disaster on a global scale.  We must do everything in our power to make sure it is protected and patrolled for the decades to come.

Leif Cocks, Founder, The Orangutan Project

The Orangutan Project and our partner Forum Konservasi Leuser are embarking on an ambitious project to legally acquire over 100,000 hectares of crucial lowland habitat in the Leuser Ecosystem.  

These lowland riverine concessions are vital for the survival of Critically Endangered orangutans, tigers, rhinos and elephants, and are also favoured by plantation owners making them most at risk of imminent destruction.

I have been following Leif's work in Indonesia for over a decade to protect endangered species and save Asia's last great rainforests. We are already witnessing the drastic effects of climate change and the unprecedented consequence when humans invade wildlife habitat. Our children deserve a sustainable planet and I want to do my part to achieve this.

Dr Kushwin Rajamani, Climate Change Advocate

We are urgently seeking support to help us legally secure this critical habitat. Dr Kushwin Rajamani will generously match all gifts up to a total value of $1,000,000. This means every donation you make will be doubled in value!

You can make a difference by clicking here - your donation will be matched!

Leif Cocks (left) and Dr Kushwin Rajamani (right)

If you'd like to make a donation via EFT rather than online please contact erryn.stephens@theorangutanproject.org

Thank you for helping us secure the irreplaceable Leuser Ecosystem

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