
Meditative and Mild Although he is only an adolescent, Otok is an old soul. He has a gentle disposition and is not one to seek out constant action or attention.

He spends most of his time by himself, but also enjoys the company of his friend Virgo, whose flightiness brings Otok’s unhurried temperament into clearer focus. Virgo is always on the go, and naughtily tries to steal things out of caregivers’ pockets and bags. In contrast, Otok is always mild mannered and affectionate around his caregivers.

When Otok and Virgo find a termite nest to eat together, Virgo gets impatient with how leisurely Otok picks through the nest and decides to move on to something else. Indeed, Otok’s caregivers joke about how he enjoys to just sit about on the forest floor, munching on leaves without any sense of urgency, as if he had all the time in the world just to enjoy the moment. Even when he isn’t eating, Otok may sit in one spot for a long time seemingly absorbing his surroundings as though he was meditating. He prefers being on the forest floor rather than up in the trees.

This behavior is not the norm, but some wild orangutans – especially adult males – are known for spending much time on the forest floor. Otok finds plenty of food on the forest floor and builds adequate sleeping nests there. If he continues to improve on his forest skills from the ground, this might work just fine for him as a wild adult male orangutan!

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