Meet Siti and Sudin- our June APE Achievers!

For our June APE Achiever of the Month, we couldn’t choose just one! Meet Siti and Sudin, the inseparable best friends who are two peas in a pod.

Little Siti and Sudin after their rescue

In May 2021, Siti and Sudin were rescued from the illegal wildlife trade just as they were about to be smuggled out of Indonesia. These tiny and vulnerable babies, estimated to be only 18 months old, would have still been fully dependent on their mothers.

Fast forward three years, and Siti and Sudin are thriving at the Sumatran Orangutan Release Centre in Bukit Tigapuluh, Jambi, Sumatra. They love their regular Jungle School outings in the nearby forest, where they hone their foraging, climbing, and nest-building skills.

Siti and Sudin are inseparable at Jungle School

Older orangutans who have already graduated from Jungle School and are living successfully in the wild often visit the Jungle School area. This has provided amazing learning opportunities for Sudin and Siti, who observe and mimic these more experienced orangutans, including mothers with their wild-born offspring. They've discovered new foods, improved their canopy climbing skills, and made new playmates!

These two adventurers have come so far under the care and guidance of our dedicated staff. They are becoming increasingly independent and more willing to explore deeper into the forest. Having each other has given them the comfort, support, and confidence they need as they navigate their rehabilitation journey together.

A massive thank you to our Siti and Sudin adopters for making their journey back to their true forest home possible!

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