Orangutans in the News

Champions of the jungle talk to local students - Jan 2012

Posted 24 Jan 2012 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: South-Coast-Register

THE youngest ambassadors for the National Year of Reading will visit Vincentia Public School today to speak to students. Daniel ...

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Conservation on the Front Line- Muara Tae's Last Stand Against Big Palm Oil - Jan 2012

Posted 24 Jan 2012 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: Eco-Seed

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Vegetarian orang-utans eat world's cutest animal - Jan 2012

Posted 17 Jan 2012 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: New-Scientist

When fruit is scarce, try chomping on a slow loris. That seems to be the strategy adopted by the normally ...

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Keen to adopt an orangutan? Now you can… Sort of - Jan 2012

Posted 16 Jan 2012 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: Jakarta-Globe

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Borneo tough for red-haired vegans - Jan 2012

Posted 14 Jan 2012 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: Science-News

The near-vegan lifestyle of wild orangutans in Borneo’s forests means the apes face recurring protein droughts severe enough that their ...

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For Kutai Forest, Not Your Typical Threat - Jan 2012

Posted 12 Jan 2012 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: Jakarta-Globe

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Six Captive Orangutans to Be Freed in E. Kalimantan - Jan 2012

Posted 11 Jan 2012 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: Jakarta-Globe

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The Ape Crusaders - Jan 2012

Posted 11 Jan 2012 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: The-Sun

A SHOCKING new book aims to highlight the appalling treatment of orangutans in Borneo – and champion the men and ...

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Singapore chef tries new way to save the rainforest - Nov 2011

Posted 28 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: The-Wall-Street-Journal

Singapore-based chef Andre Chiang is on a mission to save a rain forest and he’s planning to start by serving ...

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Fresh wave of killings by hunters takes Indonesian orangutan to the brink of extinction - Nov 2011

Posted 27 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: The-Guardian

Conservationists urge authorities to take action as report finds great ape population of Kalimantan region gravely endangered

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